14 research outputs found

    Aufwandsschätzung bei Geschäftsprozessmodellerstellung

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    Geschäftsprozessmanagement-Projekte im Allgemeinen und Modellierungsprojekte im Speziellen besitzen noch keine angewandte und wissenschaftlich gestützte und untersuchte Methode zur Aufwandsschätzung. Insbesondere gibt es für die Phase der Modellerstellung innerhalb des Geschäftsprozessmanagement-Lebenszyklus keine Aufwandsschätzungen, während der Bereich der Implementierung von Geschäftsprozessmodellen erste Ansätze zu Aufwandschätzungen in der Literatur aufzeigt. Diese Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über Schätzmethoden, den aktuellen Stand der Literatur aus angrenzenden und entfernten Forschungsfeldern und entwickelt basierend darauf eine Methode namens BPM COCOMO zur Aufwandsschätzung bei der Erstellung von Geschäftsprozessmodellen. Es wird eine Adaption von COCOMO vorgenommen und eine weitere Untersuchung und Validierung dieses Modells vorgeschlagen. Keywords: geschäftsprozessmodellierung, aufwandsschätzung, gpm, bpm, bpmn, function point, cocomo, modellierung, aufwand, kostenUp to this point business process management projects in general and business process modeling projects in particular could not rely on a practical and scientifically validated method to estimate cost and effort. Especially for the process step of model development, so far no cost and effort estimate approach has been developed within the business process management life cycle. However, regarding the implementation of business process models, initial solutions are discussed in the literature. The thesis at hand provides an overview on the existing methods to estimate cost and effort and the state of the literature published to date from closely related fields of research as well as from less connected areas. Based on that, a method is being developed to estimate cost and effort for the development of business process models: BPM COCOMO. After an adaptation of the method, different ideas for further analysis and validation of the method are proposed. Keywords: Business process modelling, cost estimation, effort estimation, gpm, bpm, bpmn, function point, cocomo, modelling, effort, cos

    User defined function for transformation of ellipsoidal coordinates

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    Consolidation of BPEL process models interacting via event handlers

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    Unternehmen, die in einer Choreographie miteinander kommunizieren, sind zur Organisation einer einheitlichen Ablauforganisation verpflichtet. Dazu werden die Geschäftsprozesse der Unternehmen konsolidiert, wobei auch Fehlerbehandlungskonstrukte wie Event-Handler konsolidiert werden müssen [BER13]. Diese Arbeit ergänzt die Untersuchungen zur Konsolidierung von interagierenden BPEL-Prozessen von Berger [BER13] und Debicki [DEB13] um die Umwandlung von mittels Event-Handlern interagierender Prozesse innerhalb einer Choreographie. Dabei werden verschiedene Interaktionsszenarien der Choreographien betrachtet und im Hinblick auf die notwendige Nachbildung des Event-Handler-Verhaltens untersucht. Bei der Konsolidierung der Prozessmodelle mit beteiligten Event-Handlern können Grenzüberschreitungen von Kontrollfluss-Links entstehen. Durch die Nachbildung des Verhaltens der Event-Handler können diese auftretenden Grenzüberschreitungen aufgelöst oder vermieden werden. Es wird ebenfalls untersucht, wie detailgetreu das Verhalten eines Event-Handlers im konsolidierten Prozess mittels BPEL-Sprachkonstrukten emuliert werden kann. Einschränkungen und Unterschiede des emulierten Event-Handlers im Vergleich zum Event-Handler selbst werden hierbei ebenfalls genauer Betrachtet und zusammenfassend dargestellt

    Manual Parallelization Versus State-of-the-Art Parallelization Techniques: The SPEC CPU2006 as a Case Study

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    Being multiprocessors (both on-chip and/or off-chip), modern computer systems can automatically exploit the benefits of parallel programs, but their resources remain underutilized in executing still-Prevailing sequential applications. An obvious solution is in the parallelization of such applications. The first part overviews he broad issues in parallelization. Various parallelization approaches and contemporary software and hardware tools for extracting parallelism from sequential applications are studied. It also attempts to identify typical code patterns amenable for parallelization. The second part represents a case study where the SPEC CPU2006 suite-is considered as a representative collection of typical sequential applications. Following that, it discusses the possibilities and potentials of automatic parallelization and vectorization of the sequential C++ applications from the CPU2006 suite. Since these potentials are generally limited, it explores the issues in manual parallelization of these applications. After previously identified patterns are applied by source-to-source code modifications, the effects of paralllelization are evaluated by profiling and executing on two representative parallel machines. Finally, the presented results are carefully discussed

    Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia in Inflammatory Bowel Disease—Report of a Case and Review of the Literature

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    A wide spectrum of extraintestinal manifestations (EIMs) can burden patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). EIMs contribute fairly to morbidity and mortality rates in IBD patients. Moreover, EIMs in IBD patients are so frequent that some suggest that IBD should be approached as a systemic disorder. Anemia is very common in IBD patients. The two most common types of anemia in IBD, iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease, are extraintestinal complications. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is a rare extraintestinal manifestation of IBD, more frequent in ulcerative colitis (UC) than in Crohn’s disease (CD). In this case-based review of the literature, we present a 36-year-old female patient diagnosed with Crohn’s disease (CD) and Coombs positive AIHA, complicated by pulmonary thromboembolism and successfully treated with anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) therapy. The underlying pathophysiological mechanism of AIHA in IBD is unclear. Treatment options for AIHA in IBD patients before biologic therapy included corticosteroids alone or in combination with azathioprine (AZA), methotrexate, and surgical treatment (colectomy and/or splenectomy). Currently, biologic therapy is a promising therapeutic option, especially in corticosteroid refractory or corticosteroid-dependent IBD patients with AIHA

    A method and system for power management

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    A method and system for power management is provided. To control power supplied to a second electronic device (106), an electronic system (100) comprises a power management subsystem (110), a first electronic device (102); The power management subsystem (110) monitors the power consumed by the first electronic device (102) to control the power supplied to the second electronic device (106). A method for power management of a second electronic device (106) is provided. A power management subsystem (110) is provided

    Is the routine abdominal ultrasound a sufficiently sensitive method for the detection of colonic malignancy?

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    Objective This study examined the sensitivity of routine abdominal ultrasound scanning in the detection of colonic malignancy. Patients and Methods A case control prospective study included 101 patients hospitalized at the Department of Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases of Zemun Clinical Hospital over a four-year period. Since the complaints pointed to colonic malignancy, the patients underwent routine golden standard diagnostic procedures. These patients were referred to an experienced abdominal ultrasound operator who searched for some characteristic signs of colonic malignancy. All of the participants were surgically treated after the completion of relevant procedures for diagnosing colonic malignancy. SPSS for Windows 10.0 was used for data analysis. Results The sensitivity of an abdominal ultrasound scan in the detection and location of pathological changes pointed to colonic malignancy was different- 76% and 84% respectively. This method was very reliable in detecting right-sided colonic carcinoma (100%). Some specific ultrasonographic signs of colonic carcinoma were observed at the advanced stages of disease. Conclusions The routine abdominal ultrasonography can be used for the screening of colonic malignancy owing to its high sensitivity, particularly in advanced disease, but solely in conjunction with other methods. Finally, abdominal ultrasonography cannot be a definitive diagnostic tool for colonic carcinoma